Class 10 English Chapter 5 A Tiger in the Zoo


A Tiger in the Zoo

Additional Questions & Answers

Q.2. Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the alternatives given in brackets:

(i) He stalks in vivid stripes (Moves slowly and quietly/remains in idle/moves quickly)

(ii) But he is locked in a concrete cell.(mobile/cage/jail)

(iii) And stars with his brilliant eyes…….(dull/very bright/angry)

(iv) In this quit rage.(love/hatred/violent anger)

(v) In his quiet rage.(noisy/silent/worst)

(vi) At the jungle’s edge.(border/side/centre)

Ans. (i) moves slowly and quietly. 

(ii) cage

(iii) very bright

(iv) violent anger

(v) silent

(vi) border

Q.3. ‘He stalks in his vivid stripes.’ Who is meant by the ‘He’ What is meant by ‘vivid stripes’?

Ans. The ‘He’ means the Tiger. The stripes are the contrasting lines on the body of a tiger. 

Q.4. The few steps of his cage? Whose cage is referred to here?

Ans. The tiger’s cage is referred to here. 

Q.5. ‘On pads of velvet quiet. 

In his quiet rage. 

Explain the lines. 

Ans. The tiger has been kept confined in a comfortable cage the floor of which is covered with velvet. But the tiger is not at all happy as the keeper may think. He does not roar. But he is very angry. Though he walks silently in the cage, he is in deep rage. Because he has been deprived of his free movement in its natural habitat. 

Q.6. What should the tiger be doing near the water hole?

Ans. The tiger should be lurking in shadow sliding through long grass near the water hole. 

Q.7. Where do the plump deer pass?

Ans. The plum deer pass near the water hole. 

Q.8. What do the tiger do near the water hole?

Ans. The tiger slides through the logn grass. 

Q.9. What is meant by ‘plump deer’?

Ans. ‘Plump’ deer means healthy deer with fleshy bodies. 

Q.10. Why do the tiger move near the water hole?

Or Why should the tiger be lurking near it?

Ans. Because deer came there to drink which would provide the tiger with the chance to prey on.


Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

1. The word ‘rage’ means– 

(i) get up 

(ii) raise 

(iii) anger 

(iv) cell of these

Ans. (iii) Anger.

2. Here (in the poem) ‘He’ refers to– 

(i) poet 

(ii) tiger 

(iii) zoo incharge 

(iv) Ghostwriting BWL

Ans. (ii) Tiger.

3. The eyes of the tiger lool– 

(i) red 

(ii) bright 

(iii) sad 

(iv) Ghostwriter 

Ans. (ii) Bright.

4. Who passes near the water hole–

(ii) a deer 

(i) the tiger 

(iii) a Rat 

(iv) a squirrel

Ans. (ii) A deer.

5. The tiger was is–

(i) a jungle 

(ii) a concrete cell 

(iii) a cave

(iv) all of these

Ans. (ii) A concrete cell.

6. The tiger should hide to himself–

(i) in a akademisches ghostwriting

(ii) in shadow of long grass

(iii) in shadow of tree 

(iv) behind the wall 

Ans. (ii) In shadow of long grass.

7. Snarling means– 

(i) sound of birds 

(ii) sound of animal 

(iii) sound of jura ghostwriter 

(iv) sound of People 

Ans. (ii) Sound of animal.

8. The tiger see at night–

(i) moon

(ii) patrolling 

(iii) stars

(iv) UFO

Ans. (iii) Stars.

9. What Personified in the poem–  

(i) a Ghostwriter

(ii) a tiger

(iii) an elephant 

(iv) a squirrel

Ans. (ii) A tiger.

10. The ‘Shadow’ refers in the poem–

(i) long grass 

(ii) tress

(iii) concrete cell 

(iv) all of these 

Ans. (i) Long grass.

Thinking about the poem

1. Read the poem again, and work in pairs or groups to do the following tasks

(i) Find the words that describe the movements and actions of the tiger in the cage and in the wild. 

(ii) Find the words that describe the two places, and arrange them in two columns. 

Now try to share ideas about how the poet uses words and images to contrast the two situations.

Ans: (i) stalk, range, lurking, sliding, snarling, baring, terrorising, stalking, ignoring, stares

In the CageIn the wild
Stalk, rage, Stalking, ignoring, Hears stares.lurking, snarling baring his white fangs, terrorising.


Pads of velvet quiet, Concrete cell, behind, The bars, length of his Cage.Long grass, water hole, deer pass, Jungle’s edge.

The poet uses these words and images to contrast the two situations. 

2. Notice the use of a word repeated in lines such as these:

(i) On pads of velvet quiet, In his quite rage, 

(ii) And stares with his brilliant eyes. At the brilliant stars.

What do you think the effects of this repetition. 

Ans: In (i) the first ‘quite’ stands for ‘soft’ I.e. the softness of the velvet and the second ‘quiet’ means silent i. e.  the anger of the tiger soundless. 

In (ii) brilliant is repeated to stress its importance. It expresses the shining stars and also the eyes of the tiger that is also shining like the stats. 

3. Read the following two poems – one about a tiger and the other about a panther. 

Are zoos necessary for the protection or conservation of some species of animals? Are they useful for enduring the public?  Are there alternatives to zoos? 

Ans: Zoos are necessary for the protection of animals and birds. Many species have already gone extinct. 

For public, zoos are helpful. They become aware of the usefulness of those. Ecological balance is maintained. There are no alternatives to zoos. 

4. Take a point of view for or against zoos, or even consider both points of view and write a couple of paragraphs or speak about this topic for a couple minutes in class. 

Ans: Zoos are necessary for protection of animal and birds. Many species of them have already gone extinct. Proper care can be taken of the birds and animals in zoos. Trained person look after them and so they can live free life. 

Zoos are not important. Nature has provided all the necessary arrangements for the animals and birds to live and grow. A zoo can not provide natural environment to the birds and animals. 

The Greater Cats: 

Comprehension Questions and Answers

Q:- Read the extract and answer the question 

Choosing appropriate alternatives given below:-

1. He should be lurking in shadow, 

    Sliding through long grass

    Near the water hole

    Where plump deer pass. 

Question :-

1. Who is the poet of the poem? 

a)  Leslie Norris.   

b)  Elizabeth jane.

c)  William Wordsworth. 

d)  Robert Frost.

Ans: a)  Leslie Norris.

2. ‘He’  here is –

a) The poet.   

b) A tiger.

c)  A lion.       

d)  A dear 

Ans: b) A tiger.

3. He walks through the grass –

a) Jumping.  

b)  Crawling. 

c)  Sliding.    

d)  Running. 

4. Where do plump deer pass? 

a) in the shadow.     

b) near the water hole.   

c)  in the open space.   

d) none of these. 

Ans: b) near the water hole. 

2. But he’s locked in a concrete cell,

    His strength behind bars, 

    Stalking the length of his cage, 

    Ignoring visitors. 

Question :-

1. The tiger is imprisoned in –

a) A cage.         

b) The zoo.

c) A house.      

d)  A box. 

Ans: a) A cage.

2. Where is the tiger’s strength now? 

a) In his body.

b) In his growls.

c) Behind the bars.   

d) Outside the cage.

Ans: c) Behind the bars.

3. Who does the tiger ignore? 

a) His caretakers.   

b) The deer.

c) Visitors.     

d) animals around him. 

Ans: c) Visitors.

4. The cell is –

a) Made of wood.   

b) Made of bamboo.

c)  Concrete.    

d) None of these. 

Ans: c)  Concrete.

Short Answers Type Questions

1. How does the tiger walk in the cage? 

Ans: The tigers are imprisoned in a cage. He stalks in his cage. He has no free movement and is helpless due to the iron bars. Hence, he walks gently. 

2. How is the Tiger in the cage? What does he do? 

Ans: The tiger is in a cage of concrete cell. His strength is now behind the bars. He simply walks inside the cage. He has no freedom. He ignores the visitors. 

3. How does the tiger behave at night? 

Ans: The tiger is not free. He is imprisoned in a cage. He is helpless. He walks inside the cage. At night he hears the last voice of the patrolling cars. He intently looks at the shining stars.

1. T what does the tiger look at in night ?

(a) Stars

(b) Patrolling cars

(c) His House

(d) All of the Above

Ans: (a) Stars

2. Who wrote the poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo'?

(a) John Berryman

(b) Robert Frost

(c) Leslie Norris 

(d) Robert Klein

Ans: (c) Leslie Norris 

3.  By "ignoring visitors", what is the poet trying to say?

(a) There is no use of showing rage

(b) The tiger is less terrorising because

(c) The tiger knows his power is restricted

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d) All of the above

4. What described "tiger in a jungle"?

(a) ignoring visitors

(b) Locked in concrete cell

(c) baring his white fangs

(d) his strength behind bars

Ans: (c) baring his white fangs

5. Name the poetic device used in the line "Baring his white fangs, his claws".

(a) Assonance

(b) Consonance

(c) Metaphor

(d) Oxymoron

Ans: (b) Consonance

6. How does the caged tiger react to the visitors?

(a) With a happy face

(b) Proudly

(c) He ignores them

(d) With a sad face

Ans: (c) He ignores them

7. Who passes near the water hole?

(a) Plump Buffalo

(b) Plump Deer

(c) Zebra

(d) All of the Above

Ans: (b) Plump Deer

8. How do the eyes of the tiger look?

(a) dark

(b) Sad

(c) Light

(d) brilliant

Ans: (d) brilliant

9. The tiger has velvet like

(a) skin

(b) Hair

(c) nose

(d) paws

Ans: (d) paws

10. How does the tiger react in the cage?

(a) He is in a happy mood

(b) He is in an angry mood

(c) He is in sad mood

(d) None of thee

Ans: (b) He is in an angry mood

11. Name the poetic device used in the line "He stalks in his vivid stripes",

(a) Consonance

(b) assonance

(c) metaphor

(d) Oxymoron

Ans: (a) Consonance

12. He should be lurking in shadow, Sliding through long grass

Near the water hole Where plump deer pass.

(a) Help the predator pounce on the prey comfortably without getting tired.

(b) Assist in keeping the prey unsuspecting of the predator's sound.

(c) Support the predator's vision as it eyes its prey.

(d) Aid in camouflaging the presence of the predator before it rushes in.

Ans: (b) Assist in keeping the prey unsuspecting of the predator's sound.

13. What has been personified in the poem?

(a) Deer

(b) Zoo

(c) Forest

(d) Tiger

Ans: (d) Tiger

14. "Baring his white fangs, his claws ......."

What is the meaning of ' fangs' ?

(a) Paws of tiger

(b) White hair of the animal body

(c) Sharp tooth of animal

(d) One kind of animal

Ans: (c) Sharp tooth of animal

15. The free tiger would terrorise the village people by showing his -

(a) Forest

(b) City

(c) Zoo

(d) Houses near the forest

Ans: (d) Houses near the forest

16. The tiger was moving in the

(a) Cage

(b) Forest

(c) Locality

(d) Bushes

Ans: (a) Cage

17. At night the tiger imprisoned could only do of -

(a) Eating his stored food

(b) Staring the stars

(c) Moving inside the cage

(d) Steeping

Ans: (b) Staring the stars

18. Where is the tiger's strength locked ?

(a) In the jungle

(b) In the nature

(c) Behind the caged bars

(d) None of these

Ans: (c) Behind the caged bars

19. The patrolling cars come to ------- at night .

(a) Vigilate the Zoo

(b) Take the animals

(c) Visit the place

(d) To see the tiger

Ans: (a) Vigilate the Zoo

20. The tiger is angry because he ----

(a) is hungry

(b) is ill

(c) Is bitten

(d) Is imprisoned

Ans: (d) Is imprisoned

21. The poem draws a contrast between _and_

(a) tiger in a zoo. humans

(b) humans, tiger in forest
(c) tiger in a zoo, tiger in a forest

(d) animals, human beings

Ans: (c) tiger in a zoo, tiger in a forest

22. The free tiger could hide itself behind the ---

(a) Long grass

(b) Big stone

(c) Bushes

(d) Cage

Ans: (a) Long grass

23. Snarling means ---

(a) Sound to make afraid the animals

(b) Sound made by animal

(c) Buzzing sound in the jungle

(d) Sound in the water bodies

Ans: (b) Sound made by animal

24. The free tiger would terrorise the village people by showing his -

(a) Tooth and claws

(b) Huge body

(c) Eyes

(d) Black stripes

Ans: (a) Tooth and claws


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