Class 10 English Chapter 9 The Ball Poem



Very Short type Questions Answers

Q.1. Name the poet of the poem, ‘The Ball Poem’?

Ans. John Berryman. 

Q.2. What has the boy lost in water?

Ans. The boy has lost his ball in water.

Q.3. Where did the ball land finally?

Ans. The ball finally landed in water. 

Q.4. How did the boy react at the loss of the ball?

Ans. At the loss of the ball the boy stood rigid trembling and standing he remembered his association with the ball. 

Q.5. What does ‘in the world of possessions’ mean?

Ans. ‘The world of possessions’ means ones near and dear ones and the material objects one possesses. The ball is symbolic of both. 

Q.6. What lesson does the boy learn?

Ans. The boy learnt the lesson that loss of material possessions and friends and relatives is inevitable in human. Life. The loss of his dear ball taught that no one can avoid loss in life. 

Q.7. Why are the boy’s eyes desperate?

Ans. The boy’s eyes are desperate because no one can compensate his loss and no one can console and comfort him. The experience of lossing his dear ball turned his eyes desperate. 

Q.8. What is the theme of the poem, ‘The Ball poem’?

Ans. The theme of the poem is that loss of material possessions and death and separation from one’s near and dear ones are inevitable experience of human life. Loss is loss, no matter great or small. Loss causes pangs in human heart. 

Q.9. Why does the poet say ‘Balks will be lost always’?

Ans. In the poem ‘the ball’ is a symbol of material possessions. Loss of material possessions and loss of one near and dear ones are not new things. Man has been experiencing loss since the beginning of life and this process will continue till human beings continue to live on earth. 

Q.10. How can the boy stand up again? What every man must know one day?

Ans. After learning the truth that loss and separation are inevitable in life, the boy stands up again. One day every man must know that of pangs of death of one’s near and dear ones and loss of material possession are inevitable in human life.


Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

1. Who lost the ball? 

(a) the poet  

(b) the boy 

(c) a man 

(d) none of the above 

Ans. (b) The boy.

2. Where has the boy lost his ball? 

(a) in the water 

(b) in the school 

(c) on the street 

(d) at home 

Ans. (a) In the water.

3. How does the boy feel when he loses his ball?

(a) confused 

(b) shaken 

(c) trembling 

(d) all of the above

Ans. (d) All of the above.

4. What does the poet say about money?

(a) internal 

(b) external

(c) valueless

(d) all of the above

Ans. (b) External.

5. What does the poet say about this world is made of? 

(a) Material Possessions 

(b) happiness 

(c) joys 

(d) troubles

Ans. (a) Material Possessions.

6. The boy remembers his…….. days?

(a) infancy

(b) young 

(c) old 

(d) all of the above

Ans. (b) Young.

7. What could the poet buy for the boy?

(a) book

(b) dull 

(c) ball

(d) all of the above.

Ans. (c) Ball.

8. How are the boy’s eyes?

(a) brilliant

(b) dull

(c) desperate

(d) all of the above

Ans. (c) Desperate.

9. What meaning is the boy learning? 

(a) meaning of loss

(b) meaning of life

(c) meaning of playing

(d) meaning of happiness 

Ans. (a) Meaning of loss.

10. Who is the poet of the poem, ‘The Ball poem’ symbolises?

(a) Carolyn wells

(b) John Berryman

(c) Leslie Norris 

(d) Robin Klein

Ans. (b) John Berryman.

11. What does the ball in the poem,‘The Ball Poem’? 

(a) prized Possessions 

(b) poet’s childhood 

(c) materialistic thing 

(d) all of the above 

Ans. (b) Poet’s childhood.

12. What do children lose quite often as per ‘The Ball poem’?

(a) temper 

(b) patience 

(c) toys and balls 

(d) money 

Ans. (c) Toys and balls.

13. The true theme of “The Ball poem’’ is that…..

(a) we should take care of our things 

(b) life is short

(c) we should cherish very moment 

(d) both b & c.

Ans. (d) both b & c.

14. What is the tone of ‘The Ball poem’ when the boy loses the ball? 

(a) sad 

(b) gloomy 

(c) happy 

(d) depressing

Ans. (d) Depressing.

Q.  In pairs, attempt the following question –

1. Why does the poet say, “I would not intrude on him”? Why does not he offer him money to buy another ball? 

Ans: The poet does not like to compensate the boy’s loss by giving his some money – because he wants that the boy should face the realities of the world. 

2. “…….starting down/All his young days into the harbour where/his ball went…. “Do you think the boy has had the ball for a long time? Is it linked to the memories of days when he played with it? 

Ans:  Yes, I think the boy had it for a long time. It is linked to the memories of days he played with it. 

3. What does “in the world of possessions” mean? 

Ans: The world of possessions means the materialistic world. The world is considered in terms of materials. Man owns materials. Man hankers after possessions. 

4. Do you think the boy has lost anything earlier? Pick out the words that suggest the answer. 

Ans: It seems the boy has lost nothing earlier. He is not used to such loss and that is why “An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy”.

5. What does the poet say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball? Try to explain this in your own words. 

Ans: According to the poet the boy is learning the nature of loss when he losses his ball. He is shaken at his loss. But finally he tries to understand the situation and also tries to face the reality of life. 

6. Have you ever lost something you like very much? Write a paragraph describing how you felt then, and saying whether – and how – you got over your loss. 

Ans: I have lost lots of things in my childhood days. But last year my father presented me a pen as a birthday gift. The pen was very beautiful and costly. I liked and loved it very much. But I am very sorry because I lost it last week. I cannot forget the loss. Though father consoled me saying that he would give me another I am not happy. 

Comprehension Questions and Answers

Q:- Read the extract and answer the questions 

choosing appropriate options given below:-

1. What is the boy now, who has lost his ball, 

What, what is he to do? I saw it go

Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then

Merrily over-there it is in the water! 

No use to say ‘O there are other balls’:

Question :-

1. Name the poet of the poem? 

a)  John Keats.  

b) Robert Frost.

c)  Robert Browning.

d) John Berryman.

Ans: d) John Berryman.

2. What happens to the boy? 

a) He becomes happy.

b)  He has lost his ball.

c) He weeps.

d)  He laughs.

Ans : b)  He has lost his ball.

3. What happens to the boy when he loses his ball? 

a)  He is confused.

b) He becomes sad.

c)  He cries. 

d)  He runs after it. 

Ans: a)  He is confused.

4. Where did the ball go? 

a)  Into the road   

b)  Into the room. 

c)  Into the jungle.

d) Into water. 

Ans:  d) Into water.

2. An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy

    As he stands rigid trembling, staring down

    All his young days into the harbour where

    His ball went. I would not intrude on him; 

    A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now

    He sense first responsibility 

    In a world of possessions. 

Question :-

1. What does the boy do in grief? 

a)  Runs.  

b) Weeps.

c)  Cries.

d) Trembles.

Ans: d) Trembles.

2. What does the boy stare? 

a)  His ball.   

b)  The bushes.

c)  The harbour.

d) The road. 

Ans: c)  The harbour.

3. What does the boy feel? 

a) His responsibility.

b) His duty.

c) His dreams.

d) His pleasure. 

Ans: a) His responsibility.

4. What is worthless? 

a)  His ball.

b) Another ball.

c) Other play item.

d)  His dream.

Ans: b) Another ball. 

3. People will take Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy. And no one buys a ball back. Money is external. 

He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes, 

The epistemology of loss, how to stand up

Knowing what every man must one day know

And most know many days, how to stand up. 

Question :-

1. What is the relation of money with lost balls?

a)  Lost balls mean loss of money. 

b)  Lost balls encourage to buy new balls. 

c)  Extra money is spent when a ball is lost. 

d)  None of these. 

Ans: c)  Extra money is spent when a ball is lost.

2. What is the boy learning? 

a) That money is external. 

b)  That balls are always lost. 

c)  That he will get a new ball. 

d)  The nature of loss and how to stand up. 

Ans: d)  The nature of loss and how to stand up.

3. What must everyone know one day? 

a)  The nature of loss.    

b) How to stand up.     

c) What to do when a ball is lost.    

d) That money is external. 

Ans: b) How to stand up.

4. What does ‘epistemology of loss’  mean? 

a)  Feeling of loss.

b)  Fear of loss.

c) Understanding the nature of loss.

d)  The cause of loss. 

Ans: c) Understanding the nature of loss. 

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What happened to the boy’s ball? What was its effect?

Ans: The boy was playing near the harbour with his ball. Suddenly the ball ran down to water and it was lost. The boy was severely grief stricken. But the boy has to learn that loss is common and he has to stand up. 

2. How the sense of loss of the boy is expressed? 

Ans: In the poem ‘The Ball Poem’ poet shows that the boy was emotionally wounded at his loss. He lost his ball and was grief-stricken. He trembles and stares into the harbour. 

3. What message does the poem convey? 

Ans: The message is that we should understand the nature of loss and be able to accept such losses in life. In this materialistic world loss is common. Loss should not be kept in mind.

1. What was the reaction of the boy at the loss of his ball ?

(a) Happy 

(b) Sad

(c) Confused

(d) None of the  Above

Ans: (b) Sad

2. How does the child react at the loss ?

(a) trembles

(b) stares

(c) stands rigid

(d) all of them

Ans: (d) all of them

3. Name the literary device used in "And no one buys a ball back."

(a) Anaphora

(b) Metaphor

(c) Simile

(d) Alliteration

Ans: (d) Alliteration

4. Who is the poet of the ball poem ?

(a) John Berryman

(b) Carolyn Wells

(c) Robert Frost

(d) Leslie Norris

Ans: (a) John Berryman

5. Why is Money called external ?

(a) It is made from artificial way.

(b) We need to earn money through hardworker .

(c) We can replace the lost things with its help.

(d) None of the Above

Ans: (c) We can replace the lost things with its help.

6. Where does the ball go ?

(a) house

(b) Water

(c) drain

(d) Well

Ans: (b) Water

7. What does 'in the world of possessions' means ?

(a) Materialistic things

(b) Love

(c) Lust

(d) None of the Above

Ans: (a) Materialistic things

8. What has the boy lost in the water ?

(a) his bat

(b) his wicket

(c) his gloves

(d) his ball

Ans: (d) his ball

9. Why is the boy's eyes desperate ?

(a) Because he has lost his ball

(b) Because he has lost his gloves

(c) Because he has lost his money.

(d) None of the Above

Ans: (a) Because he has lost his ball

10. Explain the expression 'shaping grief'.

(a) crying in grief

(b) feeling unhappy and very sad

(c) trembling in grief

(d) not able to move

Ans: (b) feeling unhappy and very sad

11. How are the boy's eyes ?

(a) desperate

(b) happy

(c) sparkling

(d) dull

Ans: (a) desperate

12. Why does a ball cost ?

(a) 10 dimes

(b) 1 dime

(c) 4 dimes

(d) 5 dimes

Ans: (b) 1 dime

13. Who would not intrude the boy ?

(a) The ball 

(b) The Gloves 

(c) The poet

(d) None of the Above

Ans: (c) The poet

14. Name the literary device used in "Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then merrily over --- there it is in the water !"

(a) Anaphora

(b) Alliteration

(c) Metaphor

(d) Simile

Ans: (a) Anaphora

15. Does the poet condole the boy ?

(a) can't say

(b) no

(c) yes

(d) All of them

Ans: (b) no

16. Why does the poet decide not to condole the boy ?

(a) He is Happy

(b) He is busy

(c) He is indifferent

(d) It will be of no use

Ans: (d) It will be of no use


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