The Sermon at Banaras | lesson 10 | Class 10 English |

 Lesson- 10 

 The Sermon at Banaras 

more sermon at Banaras answer

1. When her son dies, kisa Gotami goes from house to house. what does she ask for ? Does ,she get it ? Why not ?

পুত্ৰৰ বিয়োগৰ সময়ত কিছু  গৌতমীত্তয় মানুহৰ ঘৰে ঘৰে ফুৰিছিুল ? তাই কি বিছাৰিছিল ? বিচৰা বস্তুটো তাই পাইছিল নে ? যদি নাই পোৱা কিয় ?

Ans:- After her son die, kisa Gatami goes from house to house asking for medicine to cured her death son. But she never get medicine from anyone, because no one is ready to give medicine for a dead child, as all know death is inevitable.

পুত্ৰৰ মৃত্যুৰ পাছত কিছা গৌতমীয়ে নিজ সন্তানক জীৱিত কৰিবৰ বাবে মানুহৰ ঘৰে ঘৰে ঔষধ বিচাৰি গৈছিল । কিন্তু তাইক কোনো মানুহে সহায় কৰা নাছিল কিয়নো মৃত সন্তানটোৰ বাবে ঔষধ দিবলৈ মান্তি হোৱা নাছিল, কাৰণ মৃত্যু অৱশ্যম্ভৱী । 

 2. Kisa Gotami again goes from house to house after she speaks with the Buddha. What does she ask for, the second time around ? Does she get it ? Why not ?

বুদ্ধৰ সৈতে কথা পতাৰ পাছত কিছা গৌতমী পুনৰ মানুহৰ ঘৰে ঘৰে গৈছিল ? দ্বিতীয় বাৰ যাওঁতে তাই কি বিচাৰিছিল ? বিচৰা বস্তুটো তাই পাইছিল নে ? যদি নাই পোৱা কিয় ? 

Ans: After speaks with the Buddha, Kisa Gotomi again goes from house to house. This time she asked for mustard seed, according to the Buddha's suggestion, she have to collect mustard seeds from a house where no one has last a child, husband, parent as friend. But she was failed to collect mustard seed this time, Because everybody has last their dear ines, infact the number of dead people are higher in the families.

বুদ্ধদেৱৰ সৈতে কথা পতাৰ পাছত কিছা গৌতমীয়ে পুনৰ মানুহৰ ঘৰে ঘৰে গৈছিল । এইবাৰ তাই গৌতম বুদ্ধৰ কথামতে সৰিয়হ সংগ্ৰহ কৰাৰ পাল পৰিছিল তাকো এনে এঘৰ মানুহৰ পৰা য'ত কোনোৱে নিজৰ স্বামী, সন্তান , পিতৃ-মাতৃ  অথবা বন্ধু হেৰুৱা নাই । গৌতমী দ্বিতীয় বাৰো অসফল হ'ল । কিয়নো এনে এঘৰ মানুহ নাই যিয়ে নিজৰ প্ৰিয়জনক হেৰুৱা নাই . দৰাচলতে পৰিয়ালবোৰত জীৱিত ব্যক্তিতকৈ মৃত ব্যক্তিৰহে সংখ্যা সৰহ ।

3) What does Kisa Gotomi understand the second time that she failed to understand the first time? Was this what the Buddha wanted her to understand?

দ্বিতীয়বোৰ কিছা গৌতমীয়ে কি বুজি পাইছিল যি তাই প্ৰথমে বুজি পোৱা নাছিল ? গৌতম বুদ্ধই তাইক সেইটা কথাকে বুজাব বিচাৰিছিল নে ? 

Ans: After failing to procure a handful of mustard seeds from a house where death had never knocked at the door, she sat down by the

 যেতীয়া কিছা গৌতমীয়ে মানুহৰ ঘৰৰ পৰা সৰিয়হ সংগ্ৰহ কৰিব পৰা নাছিল এনে মানুহৰ পৰা যিয়ে কেতিয়াও নিজৰ আপোনজনক হেৰুৱা নাছিল , তাই হতাশাত ভাগি পৰিল ৰাস্তাৰ দাঁতিত বহি পৰিছিল । তেতিয়া তাই লক্ষ্য কৰিছিল যে পথৰ কাষত লাইটবোৰ ঢিমিক ঢামাক কৰি আছিল আৰু শেষত নুমাই গৈছিল আৰু চাৰিওফালে অন্ধকাৰ হৈ পৰিছিল । সেই সময়ত তাই উপলদ্ধি কৰিছিল যে মৃত্যু সকলোৰে বাবে নিশ্চিত , তাই দৰাচলতে নিজৰ পুত্ৰ বিয়োগৰ শোকত স্বাৰ্থপৰ হৈ পৰিছিল । হয় গৌতম বুদ্ধই তাইক এইবাৰ বুজাব বিচাৰিছিল  যে জন্ম ল'লে মৃত্যু নিশ্চিত । 

(4)  Why do you think Kisa Gotomi understood this only the second time? In what way did Buddha change her understanding?

তোমাৰ মতে কিছা গৌতমীয়ে কথাবোৰ দ্বিতীয়বাৰ বুজি পাইছিল? কিদৰে বুদ্ধই তাইৰ মন সলনি কৰিছিল ? 

Ans ঃ Earlies she could see only her grief . When she went from door to door the she understood that everyone was dealing with loss of a bellowed one . There was not a single house in the town where death had not taken parent, child ,husband, wife , as friend. Goutam Buddha helped has to understand this, as he told her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where death had never  knocked at the door. This way she gat aware that death is common to all  human beings . 

প্ৰথম বাৰ তাই কেৱল নিজৰ দূখ দেখা পাইছিল ।দ্বিতীয়বাৰ যেতিয়া তাই মানুহৰ ঘৰে ঘৰে গৈছিল তেতিয়া উপলদ্ধি কৰিছিল সকলোৱে নিজৰ আপোন  জনক হেৰুৱাইছে । এনে কোনো পৰিয়াল নাই যিয়ে মৃত্যুৰ যন্ত্ৰনা অনুভৱ কৰা নাই , সকলোৰে পিতৃ-মাতৃ,স্বামী, পত্নী , সন্তান বা বন্ধুক হেৰুৱাইছে । গৌতম বুদ্ধই তাইক এই কথা উপলদ্ধি কৰিবলৈকে এনে এঘৰ মানুহৰ পৰা সৰিয়হ আনিবলৈ কৈছিল য'ত মৃত্যাুৰ কেতিয়াও ভৰি দিয়া নাই । তেতিয়া তাই বুজি উঠিছিল যে মৃত্যু সকলোৰে বাবে নিশ্চিত । 

5) How do you usually understand the idea of 'Selfishness ? Do you agree with kisa Gotami that she was being ; selfish in her grief '?

স্বাৰ্থপৰ বুলিলে সাধাৰণতে তুমি কি বুজা ? কিছা গৌতমীৰ কথাত তুমি একমত নে যে তাইৰ নিজৰ পুত্ৰ শোতক স্বাৰ্থপৰ হৈ পৰিছিল ?

Ans ঃ A Selfish person is one who only think about awnself and never care for other . in case of Kisa Gotami she became selfish in her grief to some extent that she did not accept the  death of her child as it was her only child. she did not want him to die and finally went to Buddha to ask for help . 

স্বাৰ্থপৰ মানুহে কেৱল নিজৰ ভাবে , আনৰ বিষয়ে কেতিয়াও চিন্তা নকৰে । কিছা গৌতমীও নিজৰ শোকত ম্ৰিয়মান হৈ স্বাৰ্থপৰ হৈ পৰিছিল , তাই নিজৰ একমাত্ৰ সন্তানক হেৰুৱাব খোজা নাছিল আৰু গৌতম বুদ্ধৰ ওতৰলৈ বিচাৰি গৈছিল । 

1. Ogden Nash Belongs to-

(a) America
(b) England
(c) France
(d) Germany

Ans: (a) America

2. The tone of the Poem is 

(a) Serious
(b) Humorous 
(c) Mock-epic
(d) None of the aboe

Ans:(b) Humorous

3. The number of stanzas of the poem is

(a) Twelve 
(b) Fourteen 
(c) Fifteen 
(d) Sixteen

Ans:(c) Fifteen

4. The poem has an element of

(a) Vision
(b) Imagination
(c) Realism 
(d) Fantasy 

Ans:(d) Fantasy

5.The ending of the poem is 

(a) ironical and serious
(b) Ironical only 
(c) Serious only
(d) None of the above

Ans:(a) Ironical and serious

6. The colour of Belinda's house was

(a) Average
(b) little 
(d) none of the above

Ans:(b) little

7. The size of Belinda's kitten was

(a) Average
(b) little
(c) Large
(d) None of the above

Ans:(b) little

8. The colour of Belinda's kitten was 

(a) Yellow
(b) Grey
(c) Black
(d) White

Ans:(c) Black

9. The colour of Belinda's mouse was 

(a) Black
(b) White
(c) Green 
(d) Grey 

Ans:(d) Grey

10. The size of Belinda's mouse was 

(a) little
(b) large
(c) average 
(d) none of the above

Ans:(a) little 

11. The size of Belinda's toy wagon was 

(a) large
(b) average
(c) little
(d) None of the above 

Ans:(c) little

12. The colour of Belinda's dog was

(a) White
(b) red
(c) Green 
(d) yellow

Ans: (d) yellow

13. The colour of Belinda's toy Wagon was

(a) Red
(b) Pink
(c) Blue
(d) Green

14. Belinda's pet dragon was

(a) realio
(b) realio and trulio 
(c) trulio
(d) none of the above

Ans:(b)realio and trulio

15. The size of Belinda's pet dragon was

(a) large
(b) average
(c) little
(d) none of the above

Ans:(c) littlie

16. The size of Belinda's house was

(a) very large
(b) large 
(d) little

Ans:(d) little

17. Belinda lived in a

(a) hours
(b) palace
(c) cottage
(d) none of the above

Ans:(a) hours

18. The only non-living creature Belinda lived with was

(a) dragon
(b) wagon
(c) kitten
(d) mouse

Ans:(b) Wagon

19. The only wild creature Belinda lived with was

(a) kitten
(b) wagon
(c) dragon
(d) mouse

Ans:(c) dragon

(20) The domestic creature Belinda lived with was

(a) Kitten 
(b) mouse
(c) dog
(d) all the above

Ans:(d) All the above

(21) The dragon is a

(a) Pet animal
(b) a farm animal
(c) a wild animal 
(d) none of the above

Ans:(a) Pet animal

(22) The common thing in the house, Kitten, mouse, dog, wagon and dragon is that they are all

(a) same in colour
(b) same is size
(c) same in name 
(d) same in shape

Ans:(b) same is size

(23) The name of Belinda's Kitten was

(a) Ink
(b) blink
(c) Mustard
(d) Custard


(24) The name of Belinda's mouse was

(a) Ink
(b) Blinks
(c) Mustard
(d) Custard

Ans:(b) Blink 

(25) The name of Belinda's dog was

(b) Blink 
(c) Mustard
(d) Custard
Ans: (c) Mustard

(26) The name of Belinda's dragon was

(a) Ink
(b) Blink
(c) Mustard
(d) Custard

Ans: (d) Custard

(27) Belinda's dragon was

(a) cowardly
(b) Brave
(c) ordinary
(d) none of the above

Ans:(a) cowardly

(28) Belinda's dog was sharp, meaning

(b) intelligent
(c)  sloth
(d) none of the above

Ans:(b) intelligent

(29) The dragon had on him

(a) Spikes
(b) scales
(c) chimney
(d) none of the above

Ans:(a) Spikes

(30) The Teeth of the Dragon were

(a) big
(b) big and sharp
(c) Sharp
(d) none of the above

Ans:(b) Big and sharp

(31) The mouth of the dragon was like

(a) a chimney
(b) a spike
(c) a fireplace
(d) none of the above

Ans:(c)a fireplace

(32) The nose of the dragon was like

(a) house
(b) pipe
(c) fireplace
(d) chimney

Ans:(d) chimney

(33) The toes of the dragon are compared to

(a) daggers
(b) knives
(c) scissors
(d) none of the above

Ans: (a) daggers

(34) The dragon has under its spike

(a) skin
(b) scales
(c) shell
(d) none of the above

Ans: (b) scales

(35) The daggers on the toes of the dragon were

(a) realio
(b) trulio
(c) both (a) and (b)
Ans:(c) both (a) and (b)

(36) Belinda was as brave as a

(a) Barrel full of bears
(b) Pride of lions
(c) Packs of wolves
(d) none of the above

Ans: (a) Barrel full of bears

(37) The animal(s) who chased lions was(were)

(a) Ink
(b) Ink and Blink
(c) Blink
(d) none of the above

Ans: (b) Ink and Blink

(38) Mustard was as brave as

(a) a lion in a cage 
(b) a tiger in a den 
(c) a tiger in a rage
(d) a lion in a den

Ans:(c) a tiger in a rage

(39) custard always cried for

(a) food
(b) den
(c) Sleep 
(d) a nice safe cage

Ans:(d) a nice safe cage

(40) A barrel is

(a) a container
(b) a kind of liquid
(c) an animal
(d) none of the above

Ans: (a) a container

(41) Ink and Blink chased lions

(a) in the field
(b) down the stairs
(c) in the forest
(d) at the zoo

Ans: (b) down the stair

(42) The word 'rage' means

(a) enmity
(b) bitterness
(c) envy 
(d) anger

Ans:(d) anger

(43) The image of 'nice safe cage' produces the impression of

(a) imprisonment
(b) freedom
(c) neither (a) nor (b)
(d) safety

Ans: (d) safety

(44) Belinda tickled custard

(a) unmercifully
(b) mercifully
(c) bravely
(d) none of the above

Ans:(a) unmercifully

(45) Custard was rudely called

(a) Provincial
(b) Percival
(c) Provencal 
(d) none of  the above

Ans:(b) Percival

(46) Who called Custard 'Percival '?

(a) Ink and Blink
(b) Blink and Mustard
(c) Ink, Blink and Mustard
(d) None of the above

Ans: (c) Ink, Blink and Mustard

(47) The wagon on Which Ink, Blink and Mustard sat was

(a) little
(b) red
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above

Ans:(c) both (a) and (b)

(48) The word 'tickled' refers to

(a) a light touch
(b) a hard touch
(c) hitting 
(d) beating

Ans: (a) a light touch

(49) Percival was a Knight of Kink

(a) Edward
(b) Charlemagne
(c) Arthur
(d) none of the above

(50) Custard is rudely called 'Percival ' because like Percival, the former lacks qualities like

(a) bravery 
(b) fierceness
(c) Terrible look
(d) all of the above

Ans:(d) all of the above 

(51) The nasty sound was produced by 

(a) the pirate
(b) Custard
(c) Belinda
(d) Ink

Ans: (a) the pirate  

(52)  The pirate was climbing Through 

(a) the door
(b) the roof
(c) the Window
(d) the gate 

Ans:(c) the Window

(53) A pirate is one who rods

(a) on land
(b) in air 
(c) in water
(d) none of the above

Ans: (c) In water

(54) In his teeth, the pirate held

(a) a cigarette
(b) a dagger
(c) a pistor
(d) none of the above

Ans: (b) a dagger

(55) One of the legs of the pirate was made of

(a) Stone
(b) rubber
(c) flesh
(d) wood

Ans: (d) Wood

(56) That the pirate meant no good was evident from his

(a) appearance
(b) words
(c) actions
(d) all of the above

Ans: (a) appearance 

(57) A robin is

(a) a bird
(b) an animal
(c) an insect
(d)none  of the above

Ans: (a) a bird

(58) The number of bullets the pirate fired was

(a) Three
(b) two
(c) four
(d) one

Ans: (b) two

(59) According to Mustard, his negative quality was his

(a) cowardice
(b) confusion
(c) tolerance 
(d) none of

Ans: (b) confusion

(60) When everybody spoke of his/her courage, Custard

(a) Spoke of his own course 
(b) opposed them
(c) remained silent
(d) accepted that everybody was braver than he

Ans: (d) accepted that everybody was braver than he

(61) Ogden Nash is noted for

(a) tragic verse 
(b) comic verse
(c) serious verse 
(d) None of the above

Ans: (b) comic verse

(62) The style of the poem is of a

(a) ballad
(b) sonnet
(c) ode
(d) epic

Ans: (a) ballad


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