Come Little Children Poem II Chaprer 1 II Class 1II English


Come Little Children 

Let's recite or sing:

Come little children

Come little children,

(আহা সৰু শিশু সকল

Come to me, 

( মোৰ ওচৰলৈ আহা

We will sing now ABC. 

( এতিয়া আমি একেলগে গাম ABC ) 





XYZ, sing with me,

( XYZ,মোৰ লগত গুৱা

Let's be friends with ABC. 

( 'লা ABC সৈতে বন্ধুত্ব কৰোঁ ) 



Come Little Children class 1 All Questions Answers




Q1. Let's greet each other:


Good morning ! 

Teacher: Good morning, children. 

Students: Good morning, ma'am. 

Teacher: Please sit down. 

Students: Thank you, ma'am. 

Teacher: How are you children ? 

Students: Fine, thank you ma'am. 

Teacher: Would you like to listen to a story today children ? 

Students: Yes, ma'am. 


11. Listen and say:

ant    branch    cock    dove     leaf    pigeon    river    tree



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