A Letter to God Notes
Summary of A Letter to God (Quick Revision Notes, Character Sketches and Word Meanings) First Flight Class 10
A letter to God summary class 10 english is very essential in understanding the story of the chapter. By reading the explanation of a letter to God, students will gain confidence. They will be able to give proper explanation of the story and write the questions and answers. We have also provided quick revision notes for a letter to God to easily understand the concept of the chapter.
Summary of Chapter 1 A Letter to God Class 10 English
Summary of the Chapter
Lencho was a farmer. He had the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers. He hoped for a downpour or at least a shower. He was happy to see huge mountains of clouds.
But suddenly strong wind began to blow with the large hailstones. The hail rained for an hour and the field was white as if covered with salt. The corn was destroyed completely. The hail has left nothing. He did not understand what to do. But he had a great faith in god. He decided to seek help from god. He wrote a letter to god demanding 100 pesos.
When the postman read the letter addressing to god he could not stop himself by laughing. But the post master who was a fat, amiable man decided to help Lencho. He collected 70 pesos from his friends, charity and he himself gave part of his salary.
The following Sunday Lencho came to collect the money. But he was disappointed to find only 70 pesos. He was angry and he wrote again a letter to god demanding the rest of the money. He also wrote that the god should not send the money through the post office because what he believed that the post office employees are a bunch of crooks.
Quick Revision Notes for A letter to God
- Lencho’s crops had failed that year and he had only a single hope i.e. God!
- He wrote a letter to God “God, my crops have failed and my family is going to starve. I need some money- hundred pesos.”
- At the post office, the postmen saw such a queer letter and brought it to the postmaster.
- The postmaster was a man of sympathy and understand a man like Lencho.
- Postmaster observed that faith of Lencho was strong as a child’s so he decided to send an amount of hundred pesos to the poor farmer.
- Hundred pesos was a huge amount, the postmaster was able to collect only seventy pesos. However, he sent the money to Lencho.
- Lencho received the money with a belief that God had helped him.
- Lencho was sad and angry after counting the money as he received only seventy instead of hundred.
- Lencho wrote another letter to God and dropped the letter in the same postbox and went.
- The postmaster felt the biggest shock and shame in his life after opening Lencho’s second letter to God.
- Lencho had written, “God, of the money that I had asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But don’t send it to me through the post because the post office employees are a bunch of thieves. Lencho.”
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